
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Simple Weekend

Last night went for movie v dear at Sunway Carnival .Such a long time dint go cinema liao! ermm..last time iz watching Transformer:revengeof the fallen on last month liao lo!

we arrive there iz about 11pm gua~no idea for buying which movie ticket..... Harry potter?the takingof pelham 123 or Ice Age 3?????

finally both of us are choose ICE AGE 3 haha!return 2 childhood~the movie iz show on 12.15am,then we r go 2 playing DING ding for spend the time ~i meet bee leng n her bf on there oso !we r so '有缘' haha ! alwayz meet both of them ....they r watching harry potter !dear was playing ??? fighter,i juz site beside him n look here n there nia~damn bored!

ICE AGE 3 iz ok for me la! Quite funny.....actually i'm very tired n feel cold coz i forget bring jacket n dear too !

My simple saturday ended with the ICE AGE 3 .

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