
Saturday, September 26, 2009

monday....raya !!!
went penang for shopping .....

long time dint hang out with my frenz liao...having breakfast n lunch 2gether at 'WONG KOK'

wah!! tis our food ....

tis iz mine....四川担担面~



after our lunch , we bought something at there(prangin mall) oso ...blouse,bag,pants...haha..
finish shopping....went to gurney again....for watching movie..but full d!!!
swt~~~~iz ok la..coz all the movie i watched alr...haha..only all of them dint wacth yet~bla bla bla...
....coz raya...traffic jam............................geram..............................finding parking oso hard !! finally we find it! thn having our dinner at gurney drive....thn go home lo............very tired !!

went to jusco with dear , watch movie again...tsunami...the 1st time watching movie at TCV cinema , n oso the 1st time i noe watching movie at TGV cinema , for ladies can get rebate RM2 leh...haha!!nth special for tat day .........after finish watched movie , having dinner ..thn go home liao ...

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