
Sunday, October 4, 2009

last saturday..hang out v my frenz. Hi-tea vif them at Up floor book cafe ...

long time no c sharrie & enson d...

bcoz both of them iz very busy ppl!!! haha..

but iz ok ..finally we meet d..^^

1st time went to up floor book cafe ..nice name !!

but at there iz normal nia la..

the hate thing iz i waiting my food !! lol..

coz the chef iz offday!!

juz one person waiter oni~ ko lian...

haha..n oso ko lian my stomach ..waiting abt 45minutes..i wan pengsan liao!!

enson , me , ping ,yin

where iz sharrie ?

she iz bcm a camera gal~ haha

playing UNO at there ...

tis mine...chicken chop..

sharrie..seafood spegetti

enson pepper chicken rice

donno the name d...
finish our lunch ..enson need to back for working..
so he back 1st ..dint go gai gai v us ..haha
after tat...sharrie decided go queensbay for watching movie...

1 2 3 cak....
arrive there alr 5pm..
movie time...
after watched movie..
shopping again lo,bought 1 blouse cheap..haha
having dinner d!!!
SIAM EXPRESS ...yum yum
spicy tomyam mee!!wah..delicious..





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