
Monday, October 12, 2009

last week ,
..monday, cleaning auntie..gv me the colourful mini mooncake..yum yum..n cute right ..
..went to sunway having dinner v dear at RASA MAS..wuu! see chicken leg's..delicious..
after having dinner , dear decided to watching movie ...ACCIDENT~
omg..Very boring, almost asleep ....

saturday colleague suggest went penang shopping~coz halfday ma..
so after work..we went to praggin mall having lunch at wong kok ..
'po lor bao' ..hehe!!
'ho jiak'.........jocelyn was appointment for skin specially clinic ..coz of her back a lot of blain ~
thn we accompany she to go there ..waiting abt an hour..we continues shopping again ..
jocelyn n anny was bought a lot of thing ..except me ..juz bought a pcs of blouse ..n lollipop ..
around 8 something..we feel hungry d..
after tat ..we having dinner at '火锅之家'
wah..arrive there juz saw hv a lot of ppl are waiting for table..
coz 1st cm 1st serve ma..
we juz waiting lo..
finally ...the waiter prepare a place for us..
so good ..


egg tart

cant finish at all

anny ,me & jocelyn

With their shopping really feel happy ...haha..can joke v each other~expecially iz anny ..she alwayz do the funny thing ..haha!!


  1. wakao...after c you photo...i feel thay very miss penang food lei...

  2. wah..looks damn delicious laaaa..
    fil lik 2 eat them

    1st view 2 ur blog
    welcum 2 my blog n leave sum comment =)

  3. ken~faster cm back lor~welcome back!!!
    chui choo~thx for viewing~


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